Sunday, May 17, 2009


Yes I have been a blog-slacker... will I try to be more dilligent... maybe!!
A quick re-cap on the last couple of months...

Work has been relatively steady. I spent a month helping Wendy get out of her condo and into her new house. Things are slowing, but a job always seems to come along, time to advertise a little and see what comes up. Of course Spring brings the yardwork, which I love! Nothing like digging in flower beds and discovering all of the starts taken from mom's yard have survived.

Andre took an acting class at Hale Theatre, ending this week my mom and I attended the showcase, it was amazing to see the talent! Andre's class did 5 improv skits, not to be biased but the boy has skills. Looking forward to a Fall shakespere class and hopefully more opportunities!! Andre also got a kitten for his b-day, a ferel rescue from the shelter... Oliver Puddleglum. He is fun, silly and a voracious carnivore (do not eat a steak near him.)

Branden Lee is a source of guilt as I have him involved in nothing... he is far too content to play Rock Band, games and torture his sisters with the squirt guns!!

Lacy Jane is playing soccer... she isnt very good but it keeps her happy and busy. Now that the sun has come out she never comes inside. She spends hours at the playground on the monkey bars. I (yes me, I may be old but i can still do tricks) have taught them some tricks, they now have blisters, and calloused hands...and so do I. (it is a great ab workout)

Shelby Lu started a gymnastics class and loves it, I hate to think it but she may be a natural!

Easter meant a trip to Moab, a much needed adventure!!! We stayed at the Moab KOA and adventured in to Arches, as many times as we goto Moab we had never really taken the kids to Arches... it was beautiful. The weather was a little chilly at times but we managed to get in some good drives and hikes, but we were grateful for the tent trailer and wireless internet!!!